Hello everyone,
I am using a WAMP server for my coding purposes. My MySQL Version is
5.0.51b, PHP version is 5.2.6 and Apache version is 2.2.8
I have created a database with one of the tables containing a location
of the image. Using PHP I am trying to retrieve the location of the
image (from the mysql db) and display it in a browser. I have, with help
from php-db mailing list user's help, created a code to do the same.
Now, the problem is, the code is extracting the location details of the
image exactly and it is even getting the image details. But it is simply
not dispalying the image. Instead of displaying the image, it is
printing a
hell lot
of binary
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I have tried in two forums and mailing lists but none of them have
completely answered my question. How do I get rid of these signs and
display the original image in its place? And to display the image
successfully, is it really necessary to create the image retrieval and
displaying code in a seperate PHP file? Any PHP gurus, enthusiasts,
newbies out there, Please help me out.
I am posting the code below so that you can directly see what I have
done till now. The name of the php file is mysqli.php. The location of
the image is stored to the variable $location. The image retrieval code
is present towards end of the file.
<form action="mysqli.php" method="post">
<div align="center">
Building Name:<select name="name">
<option value=""> Select a Building</option>
<option value="Williams Hall">Williams Hall</option>
<option value="Women's Softball Field">Women's Softball Field</option>
<option value="Wright House">Wright House</option>
<input type="submit" />
// Connects to your Database
$cxn=mysqli_connect($host, $user, $password, $dbname) ;
if (!$cxn=mysqli_connect($host, $user, $password, $dbname))
echo "$error";
echo "Connection established successfully";
//Define the variables for Day and Month
if ($minute>=00 && $minute<=14)
elseif ($minute>=15 && $minute<=29)
elseif ($minute>=30 && $minute<=44)
$sql="SELECT buildingname, parking_lot_name, empty_spaces, distance,
round(distance/($low_speed*60),1) AS low_time,
round(distance/($high_speed*60),1) AS high_time, Location FROM
buildings, buildings_lots, parkinglots, occupancy2, Image where
(buildings.buildingcode=occupancy2.building AND
buildings.buildingcode=buildings_lots.building_code AND
parkinglots.parking_lot_code=buildings_lots.parking_lot_code AND
parkinglots.parking_lot_code=occupancy2.parking_lot AND
Buildings.BuildingCode=Image.BuildingCode) AND buildingname='$build' AND
month='$Month' AND day='$Today' AND Time='$times'";
$data = mysqli_query($cxn,$sql);
if (!$data=mysqli_query($cxn,$sql))
echo "$error";
echo "<br>";
echo "Query sent successfully";
echo "<br>";
echo "<table border='1' cellspacing='5' cellpadding='2'>";
echo "<tr>\n
<th>Parking Lot</th>\n
<th>Estimated Number of Empty Spaces</th>\n
<th>Distance (Feet)</th>\n
<th>Estimated walking time to the building</th>\n
while ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($data))
$building = $row[0];
$parking_lot = $row[1];
$Number_of_Empty_Spaces = $row[2];
$Distance = $row[3];
$time_l = $row[4];
echo "<tr>\n
<td>$time_h - $time_l mins</td>\n
echo "</table>\n";
if ($img = file_get_contents("$location", FILE_BINARY))
if ($img = imagecreatefromstring($img)) $err = 0;
if ($err)
header('Content-Type: text/html');
echo '<html><body><p style="font-size:9px">Error getting
header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
echo '<img src="mysqli.php?&img=' . $location . '" border="1"
height="150" width="200" alt="' . $build . '">';
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