2009/1/20 Nathan Rixham <nrixham@xxxxxxxxx> > > you don't have to locally develop, you can develop however you want :) svn > is just version controlling all your files to make it easier to team work > and to rollback code. you then tag good versions of the code in svn so you > have a permanent easy to access good version of the site (which you then > copy and do what you want with, download, ftp whatever) keeps you safe :) > Yeah, I think I mix up (web)server and rep some times... But to point out an example: There is a script on the (develop) webserver, the same locally and of course in the rep. So I start working on the local copy and now want to try it. So what should I do? Copying directly to the webserver, testing and than later after some more work commit to the rep? Or other way: Start working on script, commit to rep, than update (develop)webserver, than testing....? If way one would work without problems, well I think I would just do it that way, but won't there be some problems when copying files to server, than changing files locally and instead copying again to webserver committing it. So now updating webserver will cause some probs because I think SVN will try to merge both files if possible? But as of my working style the files on the server should not be merged but overwritten with the files of SVN? I hope I explained my prob a bit more... And with SCP: I'm forced to work on a windows server and there was no ftp at all so I was forced to use windows explorer and those (don't know how it's called on english) "networkdevice connection" which is 10 times more frustrating than using ftp (funnily it works smoother when using linux to connect to...). So I will look into WinSCP and hope it will work.. thanks for advice -eddy