Per Jessen wrote:
Tony Marston wrote:
If you really *need* to used a staticly typed language then don't use
PHP, and don't try to change PHP to match your needs.
I do.. mainly Java when I need it (can you tell)
point is..
Java let's me easily do 70% of what I need to
PHP let's me easily do 95% of what I need to
If we could get that 5% added then PHP would be perfect, not only that
but me and the rest of the team at work would be able to make our
multi-million pound enterprise projects in PHP instead of java; as would
so many others (that can't be a bad thing for PHP)
Additionally, rather sure you'd see a mass influx of people moving to
php, and applications created for it - even down to design tools such as
reverse and forward engineering between uml and php.
ack.. there's a tonne of amazing tools and frameworks for java, and I'm
sure that a vast majority of them are possible because of this static
typing (from orms to web service frameworks and all in between) - am I
so bad for wanting that for php and my fellow devs?
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