Tony Marston wrote:
"Nathan Rixham" <nrixham@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
a: Optional Static Typing
I'm finding an ever increasingly need to be able to staticly type
properties, parameters, return types etc (in classes) I know there is type
hinting but it's just not enough to do what one needs. Additionally
support for staticly typing primatives. Here's an example:
If you really *need* to used a staticly typed language then don't use PHP,
and don't try to change PHP to match your needs.
why not? php fills 95% of my needs in most instances, I'm as much a
valid user of php as you and php *could* change to fit my needs and
others, not without some appreciated work mind you, but it could (and
without affecting anybody else in this case)
it's a simple need: if I can type that my variable can only contain an
int, then I know it's always an int without tonnes of checks to check it
actually contains an int / is getting set with an int throughout the
rest of the app (especially when multiple dev's are working on it).
additionally this functionality would open the door to the creation of a
lot more apps and frameworks, not least the ability to create decent
ORM's. Further, it would allow people to contribute proper developers
classes that can be re-used time and time again (for instance a full set
of collections [class, hashmap, map, list, set etc etc]). Once they're
made and open source we all benefit, not only that but they could be
made by users instead of the internals team ;)
b: Object superclass
A base class type which all objects automagically extend, with (if nothing
else) a unique id / hashcode for each object (much like the Java Object
class). Failing this some form of function to get a unique reference
string for any variable. Example
Why should each class automaticaly extend a base class? For what purpose?
For what benefit? I can achieve what I want without this *feature*, so I
don't need it.
2 reasons:
1: it would allow all objects to have this uniqueid/hashcode i need
2: it would allow one to type hint Object in methods (you currently
can't) - you can method(array $var) but not method(object $var) see:
class Example {
public function someMethod(object $arg0) {
$e = new Example();
$e->someMethod( (object)'y' );
returns: Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to
Example::someMethod() must be an instance of object
Why does each object need a unique id/hashcode? I have been using objects
for years without this so it is not necessary, and does not provide any
additional functionality.
for comparison of equality, so you can make indexed arrays quickly using
the hashcode (you know like a hash table) so you can quickly tell the
difference between two instances of the same object with the same values
that are infact different, makes persisting data a 100 times easier...
Why do you need a unique reference string for each variable? WTF!
well because $a = 's'; $b = 's'; both are unique, internally php must
hold a reference of some sort to each variable and where it's stored
that is entirely unique; it would simply be a case of exposing this
functionality /or/ adding functionality based on this.
c: Method overloading
TBH it's something I could live without, whereas a/b aren't, but it would
be an ideal addition to php?
PHP does not need method overloading as is found in other languages as it
has optional parameters with defaults. It is also possible to cast each
parameter into wahetever type is necessary. It achieves the same result but
using a different method.
the same functionality can be achieved, however not without a lot of
additional code to test variable types using conditional blocks with
lots of is_ and instanceof comparisons; adding method overloading is by
no means needed but would majorly simplify the code of scripts which
need this functionality.
Absolute rubbish! You have obviously been used to a different language and
have recently moved to PHP, but cannot get used to the fact that it *IS* a
different language, therefore it has different syntax and achieves similar
things in different ways. If your feeble brain can't handle the differences
then I suggest you stick with your previous language and LEAVE PHP ALONE!
actually I've been a senior php dev for 5 years and muddled along trying
to help people out on this list for a long time too - it is my primary
language, PHP always changes and the beauty of the language is that it
tries to allow people to program the way they want, hence it being both
procedural and object orientated, obviously there's a need for this
otherwise Type Hinting would never have been introduced.
PHP could easily be a one for all language and AFAIK the only major
functionality missing is static typing..? I'm not trying to knock PHP,
simply expand it's functionality and scope by having additional
*optional* functionality implemented - like namespaces, if you don't
like 'em don't use 'em.
That's just my opinion, of course.
and really thanks! gives me the chance to explain a bit more :p
ps: feeble lol
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