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I am getting this error and can't resolve;

Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result,
boolean given in /home5/camfulco/public_html/CompanyHome.php on line 132

code listing follows;

  /* Program: CompanyHome.php
   * Desc:    Displays a Web page that has four levels:
   *          1) the home page, 2) a department page, 3) a
   *          content list page, and 4) a detail page.
if (!isset($_SESSION))                                   #7


$page = array(                                           #12
  "title"          => "The Company Intranet",
  "header"         => "The Company Intranet",
  "bottom"         => "Copyright(R) 2005",
  "left_nav_links" => array(),
  "body_links"     => array(),
  "col_headers"    => array(),
  "data_rows"      => array(),

$admin = FALSE;
$base_url = "CompanyHome.php";
$trail = "<a href='$base_url'>Home</a>";                #24

if (!isset($_SESSION['user_name']))
  header("Location: Login.php");                        #27
  if (isset($_SESSION['user_dept'])
      && isset($_GET['dept_id']))
  {                                                     #32
    $admin = $_SESSION['user_dept'] == $_GET['dept_id'];

  $cxn = Connect_to_db("");
  $left_nav_links = array();
  $page["browse_level"] =                               #38
    isset($_GET['browse_level']) ?
      $_GET['browse_level'] : "home";               

  switch ($page["browse_level"])                        #42
    case "home":
      $sql = "SELECT name, dept_id, description
              FROM Department
              ORDER BY name";
      $results = mysqli_query($cxn, $sql);
      $body_links = "";
      while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($results))        #50
        $link = "$base_url?dept_id=" . $row['dept_id']
          . "&browse_level=department";
        $page["left_nav_links"][$link] = $row['name'];
        $body_links .= "<li><a href=\"" . $link
          . "\">" . $row['name'] . "</a> - "
          . $row['description'];
      $page["left_nav_header"] = "Departments";         #59
      $page["top"] = "Welcome to our Intranet";
      $page["body_text"] = "Welcome to our Intranet "
        . "where each department shares content with "
        . "the whole company.  You can update your "
        . "own departments content too with our simple "
        . "interface.<p>Vist the departments' "
        . "home pages: $body_links";


    case "department":                                  #70
      $dept_id = $_GET['dept_id'];
      $sql = "SELECT name, dept_id, description
              FROM Department
              WHERE dept_id = $dept_id ORDER BY name";
      $results = mysqli_query($cxn, $sql);
      $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($results);
      $dept_name = $row['name'];
      $dept_desc= $row['description'];

      $page["left_nav"] = "$dept_name Content";
      $page["body_text"] = "$dept_name - $dept_desc";
      $sql = "SELECT, a.type_id,
              FROM Content_Type a
              LEFT OUTER JOIN Content b on
                   a.type_id = b.content_type
                   and b.dept_id = $dept_id
              GROUP BY, a.type_id ORDER BY name";
      $results = mysqli_query($cxn, $sql);

      $body_links = "";
      while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($results))        #92
        $link = "$base_url?dept_id=$dept_id"
          . "&type_id=" . $row['type_id']
          . "&browse_level=content";
        $page["left_nav_links"][$link] = $row['name'];
        $body_links .= "<li><a href=\"" . $link
          . "\">" . $row['name'] . "</a>";
      $page["left_nav_header"] = "Content Index";
      $page["top"] = $dept_name;
      $page["body_text"] = "$dept_name - $dept_desc "
        . "<p>Vist the departments' "
        . "areas: $body_links";
      $trail .= " - <a href='$base_url?dept_id=$dept_id"
             .  "&browse_level=department'>$dept_name</a>";

    case "content":                                    #110
      $dept_id = $_GET['dept_id'];
      $type_id = $_GET['type_id'];
      $sql = "SELECT, a.type_id, b.title,
                b.description, b.content_date,
                b.create_date, b.created_by,
                b.last_upd_date, b.last_upd_by,
       as dept_name, content_id
              FROM Content_Type a, Department c
              LEFT OUTER JOIN Content b on
                a.type_id = b.content_type
                and a.type_id = b.content_type
                and b.dept_id = $dept_id
                and b.content_type = $type_id
              WHERE c.dept_id = $dept_id
              ORDER BY content_date DESC";
      $results = mysqli_query($cxn, $sql);

      $body_links = "";
      $content_count = 0;
      $page["body_text"] = "";

      while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($results))       #132
        if (!isset($area_name) && $type_id == $row["type_id"])
          $area_name = $row["name"];
          $dept_name = $row["dept_name"];
        $link = "$base_url?dept_id=$dept_id"
          . "&type_id=" . $row['type_id']
          . "&browse_level=content";
        $page["left_nav_links"][$link] = $row['name'];

        if (!isset($row["content_id"]))               #144

        $content_id = $row["content_id"];

        $link = "$base_url?dept_id=$dept_id"
          . "&type_id=$type_id&browse_level=content";
        $page["left_nav_links"][$link] = $row['name'];
        $page["data_rows"][] = $row;

      if ($content_count == 0)                         #156
        $page["body_text"] = "There are no $area_name
          content items for $dept_name";
      if ($admin)                                      #161
        $page["body_text"] .= "<p>[<a href='$base_url?dept_id=$dept_id"
               . "&browse_level=details&type_id=$type_id"
               . "&content_id='>add</a>]";
      $page["col_headers"]["title"] = "$area_name Title";
      $page["col_headers"]["content_date"] = "$area_name Date";
      $page["col_headers"]["create_date"] = "Created On";
      $page["col_headers"]["created_by"] = "Created By";
      $page["col_headers"]["last_upd_date"] =
        "Last Updated On";
      $page["col_headers"]["last_upd_by"] =
        "Last Updated By";

      $page["left_nav_header"] = "Content";            #176
      $page["top"] = "$dept_name - $area_name";
      $trail .= " - <a href='$base_url?dept_id=$dept_id"
             .  "&browse_level=department'>$dept_name</a>";
      $trail .= " - <a href='$base_url?dept_id=$dept_id"
             .  "&browse_level=content"
             .  "&type_id=$type_id'>$area_name</a>";

    case "details":                                    #185
      $dept_id = $_GET['dept_id'];
      $type_id = $_GET['type_id'];

      $sql = "SELECT as dept_name,
              FROM Department a, Content_Type b
              WHERE b.type_id = $type_id
                and a.dept_id = $dept_id
              ORDER BY name";
      $results = mysqli_query($cxn, $sql);
      $body_links = "";
      $content_count = 0;

      while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($results))       #198
        $area_name = $row["name"];
        $dept_name = $row["dept_name"];

        if (!isset($row["content_id"]))                #203

        $link = "$base_url?dept_id=$dept_id"
          . "&type_id=".$row['type_id']
          . "&browse_level=content";
        $page["left_nav_links"][$link] = $row['name'];
        $body_links .= "<li><a href=\"" . $link
          . "\">" . $row['name'] . "</a>";
      $create_date = date("m/d/y", time());
      $created_by = $_SESSION["user_name"];
      $last_upd_by = $_SESSION["user_name"];

      $content_id = $_GET["content_id"];
      $edit = $admin && (@$_GET["edit"] == "true"
                         || $content_id == "");

      if ($content_id != "")                           #222
        $sql = "SELECT content_id, dept_id, content_date,
                  content_type as type_id, title,
                  description, create_date,
                  created_by, last_upd_date, last_upd_by
                FROM Content
                WHERE content_id = $content_id";
        $results = mysqli_query($cxn, $sql);
        if ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($results))
          foreach ($row as $key => $value)
            $$key = $value;
        $sql = "SELECT download_id, file_name
                FROM Content_Download
                WHERE content_id = $content_id";

        $results = mysqli_query($cxn, $sql);
        while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($results))     #242
          $download_id = $row["download_id"];
          $file_name = $row["file_name"];
          $link = "files/$download_id/$file_name";
          $page["left_nav_links"][$link] = $file_name;

          if ($edit)                                   #249
            $page["left_nav_links"][$link] .= "</a>
            [<a href=\"Admin.php"
              . "?action=DeleteDownload&download_id=$download_id\"

      foreach ($_GET as $name => $value)               #257
        $$name = $value;

      $edit = $admin && (@$_GET["edit"] == "true" || $content_id == "");

      $page["top"] = "$dept_name - $area_name";

      if ($edit)                                       #264
        $page["body_text"] = "<center><u>Add Downloads</u>";
        for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++)
          $page["body_text"] .=
            "<br><input type='file' name='upload_file$i'>";

        $page["body_text"] .= "
          </center> <p />
            <input type='reset' name='action'
              value ='Reset Form'>
            <input type='submit' name='action'
              value ='Cancel'>
            <input type='submit' name='action'
              value ='Save Changes'>

        $page["top"] .= " Edit/Create";
        $page["body_text"] =
          "<a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'>Back</a>";

      $page["left_nav_header"] = "Downloads";
      $trail .= " - <a href='$base_url?dept_id=$dept_id"
             .  "&browse_level=department'>$dept_name</a>";
      $trail .= " - <a href='$base_url?dept_id=$dept_id"
             .  "&browse_level=content"
             .  "&type_id=$type_id'>$area_name</a>";



Thank You,

Dennis Linden 

Cell 609-744-4480 <> 

SpringTide Partners, LLC

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