Greetings, Daniel Kolbo. In reply to Your message dated Thursday, November 6, 2008, 1:19:50, > This question may be more for the MySQL community. If so, my > apologies, please let me know. > I am using php v 5.2.6. > I have two versions of MySQL running on my server (windows xp home sp3). > MySQL v6 is running on localhost:3306 > MySQL v5.0.41 is running on localhost:3307 > I have two installations of phpmyadmin (latest version to > manage both of these (i am running a local apache 2.2 server on the same > machine on port 8080). Let's call these two installations phpmy5admin > and phpmy6admin. > I am able to login and create tables on both versions of mysql. Thus, i > suspect the installation of both of these is okay. > When i view both phpmyadmin installations it gives me the correct > corresponding mysql version number on the homepage. > However, the phpmy6admin gives me a warning saying: > "Your PHP MySQL library version 5.0.51a differs from your MySQL server > version 6.0.7. This may cause unpredictable behavior." > When i copy the libmysql.dll from the mysql 6 installation directory > into the php directory i get a pop up saying apache must shutdown when > any php script invokes the mysql module. > my windows path variables have > C:\php;C:\Program Files\MySQL > in that order. > my mysql installations are at > C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0 > C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 6.0 Look, your %PATH% points to nowhere. There's no libMySQL.dll in C:\Program Files\MySQL It should be C:\php;C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 6.0\bin at least. > I do suspect the c:\php is being read first, as when i change the > libmysql.dll in this folder, i experience different results. You're right, but it is poor idea to install PHP in C:/php I think :) > I do not have any libmysql.dll files in my system path. that's because your %PATH% is wrong. See above. > My question are: > 1) Is there a libmysql.dll for version 6? If so, where do i get it? Above, look above. I told ya, it's in MySQL /bin directory. > 2) Does libmysql.dll for version 6 only function properly with an > updated php_mysql.dll extension? If so, where do i get this updated > extension? No, it should work well with any server, even 3.23 > 3) If I get the correct library for version 6 working, will i then have > issues running version 5? Shouldn't have any issues, aside from potential bugs of course. > 4) Perhaps I can ignore the warning? (i don't like this option ;) You'd better find it's root and eliminate it. On a side note (not much of a side), I highly recommend to download Mysql Connector/PHP from MySQL site. php_mysql.dll/libmysql.dll shipped with PHP has known bug, which still not fixed in 5.2.6 for me. P.S. Other way of doing this (solving DLL-hell issue, I mean), is what I'm using all the way since... let me guess... 1998 may be. This file being included into Apache httpd.conf: > LoadFile C:/usr/sbin/php-5.2.2-Win32/libeay32.dll > LoadFile C:/usr/sbin/php-5.2.2-Win32/ssleay32.dll > > LoadFile C:/usr/sbin/php-5.2.2-Win32/libmysql.dll > > LoadFile C:/usr/sbin/php-5.2.2-Win32/php5ts.dll > > LoadModule php5_module "C:/usr/sbin/php-5.2.2-Win32/php5apache2_2_filter.dll" > > <IfModule php5_module> > php_admin_value extension_dir "C:/usr/sbin/php-5.2.2-Win32/ext" > PHPIniDir "C:/usr/sbin/php-5.2.2-Win32" > </IfModule> That said, I always know which library i've loaded, and if something weird occur, I know who to blame about that. -- Sincerely Yours, ANR Daemon <anrdaemon@xxxxxxxxxxx> -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: