Ashley Sheridan wrote:
On Tue, 2008-09-16 at 10:14 +1000, Andrew Barnett wrote:
Has anyone got any example integration of PHP with the Paypal API?
I'm looking to build a site where people register for a nominal fee,
and gain access to the site indefinately. So I just want to check a
user against whether they have paid or not.
From experience of using Paypal, HSBC and Google Checkout for online
payments, I'd go Google. It was a breeze to set up and it's very easy
for a consumer to use as well. Also, I got a lot more support from
Google guys than I did from Paypal.
Google is still only available to US & UK merchants, unfortunately. I'd
switch to them if i could. My experiences with PayPal have been
absolutely dreadful.
I really should look into HSBC.
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