On 14 Sep 2008, at 20:27, Alain R. wrote:
but in this case, my browser address bar will show me : whatever.php?
l=en for example.
and this is not what i want. I want that browser shows in its
address bar /en/whatever, but the page whatever.php will get the
parameter l=en.
so how can i do that ?
You're still not getting it, so here it is step by step...
* User request http://yoursite.com/en/index.php
* Apache sees this request, matches the URL to a rewrite rule and
*internally* rewrites the request so it looks like http://yoursite.com/index.php?lang=en
- note that the browser does not get told anything about this process.
* The index.php script runs, reads $_GET['lang'] to see what language
has been requested and generates the page as normal. Whenever it
creates a URI it ensures that it's created so it starts with '/'.
$_GET['lang'].'/...' to ensure the user continues with the same
Hope that makes sense. Now, please Google mod_rewrite, have a play
with it on a local test server and try it. If you don't get it from
the words, get it from the play!
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