Re: peer review (was php framework vs just php?)

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Wow, that's umm hideous.


On Fri, 2008-04-25 at 22:43 -0400, Bastien Koert wrote:
> damn reply-all
> On 4/25/08, Ray Hauge <ray.hauge.lists@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> > Jay Blanchard wrote:
> >
> >> I did a quick and dirty of just one of those functions. This function
> >> takes a table and creates a form based on the table. It needs quite a
> >> bit of refining, but I am willing to share and let you guys and gals
> >> throw suggestions;
> >>
> >
> > I use a very similar style of approach, but it's more on a field by field
> > basis rather than a whole form.  I also wrote mine on company time, so
> > here's an example:
> >
> > <?php $table = 'customers'; ?>
> > <form id='search' name='search' action='' method='post'>
> >        <table align='center'>
> >            <tr>
> >                <td align='right'><?php echo UI::getFieldLabel($table,
> > 'first_name'); ?></td>
> >                <td colspan='3'><?php echo UI::getBlankTextField($table,
> > 'first_name'); ?></td>
> >            </tr>
> >            <tr>
> >                <td align='right'><?php echo UI::getFieldLabel($table,
> > 'city'); ?></td>
> >                <td><?php echo UI::getBlankTextField($table, 'city');
> > ?></td>
> >            </tr>
> >            <tr>
> >                <td align='right'><?php echo UI::getFieldLabel($table,
> > 'state'); ?></td>
> >                <td><?php echo UI::getBlankSelectField($table, 'state');
> > ?></td>
> >                <td align='right'><?php echo UI::getFieldLabel($table,
> > 'zip'); ?></td>
> >                <td><?php echo UI::getBlankTextField($table, 'zip'); ?></td>
> >            </tr>
> >        </table>
> > </form>
> >
> > The UI class figures out the max-length of the field, and there are also
> > configurations to determine what type of field it is (text, phone, date,
> > textarea, etc.) and security settings based on the user logged in.  This has
> > helped keep my template files very clean, and I still have full control over
> > the form by not including the fields I don't want.
> >
> > --
> > Ray Hauge
> >
> >
> >
> >
> <?
> /*
>   bastien koert
>   Aug 2004
>   This code writes out all the needed DB fields for insert / update
> statements as well as
>   generating the $global code, the post/get code and the initialization code
> with defaults from
>   the db tables
>  Hi All,
>  The most tedious part of coding any db interaction is the
> defining/initialization of the variables that interact with the db. All
> those POST/GET elements, the global elements and the development of the sql
> statements.
>  This code takes the work out of that. Simply fill in the form to point it
> to a database and table and run it...the output shown is to :
>  1. initialize all db variables
>  2. generate the POST/GET values from the forms.
>  3. generate the global variables
>  4. generate the insert statement
>  5. generate the update statement
>  It will look for primary keys, adapt to place quotes only around the text
> elements, and fill in the default db values where needed.
>  There is always room for improvement, but this really reduces the workload
> when working on pages that map to one table.
>  You can copy the code generated from the screen, or for a little more
> formatted code, view source, copy and remove the tags
>  enjoy,
>  bastien
>   10 September 2005 --------------------------------------------------
>   A few tweaks added by a much lazier guy than Bastien...
>    - a place to set db variables for that db you're always using
>    - generation of a SELECT query
>    - PHP code snippets for extracting ONE Value and MANY values
>    - checkbox to enable htmlspecialchars protection
>    - generation of a table-formatted form in two versions:
>      - all of it tucked into a single php variable
>      - html with embedded php variables
>    - checkbox to color every other row in the table
>    - checkbox to add a "t" to form variable names AND retrieved vari names
>      (useful when form used to set session variables... which CANNOT be
> directly
>        by a form so you have to give them another name first)
>    - handy table format
>    Unfortunately, the option to view the source for better formatted code
>    not an option: to show the HTML I had to convert it to its special
>    characters... source code is therefore a MESS!!
>    Best Regards,
>    Neil A. Garra
>    Owner & Despot for Life
> <>
>    Mind Tools for Tactical Intelligence
>  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> */
> //control code
> if(!isset($_POST['submit'])){
>   show_form();
> }else{
>   generate_scripts();
> }//end if
> //------------------------------------------------------------------------
> //                              show form function
> //------------------------------------------------------------------------
> function show_form()
> {
> //=================================================
> //Variables for your usual MySQL Server
> //
> $dbname = "";
> $uname = "";
> $pass  = "";
> $host  = "";
> //
> //=================================================
> echo "
>   <html><body>
>   <form action=".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']." method=post>
>   <table>
>   <tr>
>    <td colspan=2 bgcolor=blue align=center><font size=5
> color=yellow><b>PHP-O-Matic</b></font>
>     <tr><td align=right>Table Name:</td><td> <input type='text'
> name='tablename' value=\"\"     size='25'></td></tr>
>     <tr><td align=right>DB Name:</td><td>   <input type='text' name='dbname'
>   value=\"$dbname\" size='25'></td></tr>
>     <tr><td align=right>User Name:</td><td>  <input type='text' name='uname'
>   value=\"$uname\"  size='25'></td></tr>
>     <tr><td align=right>Password:</td><td>  <input type='text' name='pass'
>    value=\"$pass\"  size='25'></td></tr>
>     <tr><td align=right>Host:</td><td>    <input type='text' name='host'
>    value=\"$host\"  size='25'></td></tr>
>     <tr><td align=right>Get / Post:</td><td><select name='gp_type'>
>                                 <option value='_POST'>Post
>                                 <option value='_GET'>Get
>                               </select>
>     </td></tr>
>     <tr><td align=right>Protect with addslashes /
> stripslashes: </td><td><input type='checkbox' alt='click to add'
> name='slashes' value='yes'>
>     <tr><td align=right>Protect with htmlspecialchars:     </td><td><input
> type='checkbox' alt='click to add' name='specs' value='yes' checked>
>     <tr><td align=right>Table Type</td><td><select name='table_type'>
>                                 <option value='php'>PHP Variable
>                                 <option value='html'>HTML with embedded
> variables
>                               </select>
>    <tr><td align=right>Table alternate rows colored:</td><td><input
> type='checkbox' alt='click to add' name='altrows' value='yes' >
>                                 <input type='text' name='altrowcolor'
>    value=\"#FFFFAA\"  size='15'></td></tr>
>    <tr><td align=right>Table has Session Variables:</td><td><input
> type='checkbox' alt='click to add' name='sesvars' value='yes' >
>          <font size=2>Form variable names AND retrieved values variable
> names will be preceded by a 't'</font>
>    <tr><td  align=center><td ><input type='submit' name='submit'
> value='generate scripts'></td></tr>
>     </table>
>     </form>
>   </body>
>   </html>";
> }
> //------------------------------------------------------------------------
> //                              generate code function
> //------------------------------------------------------------------------
> function generate_scripts()
> {
>   global $dbname;
>   //initialize variables
>   $table_name     = '';
>   $dbname         = '';
>   $uname          = '';
>   $pass           = '';
>   $host           = '';
>   $type           = '';
>   $slashes        = '';
>   $pk_id          = 0;
>   $pk_num         = 0;
>   $sql            = '';
>   $update_query   = '';
>   $insert_query   = '';
>   $cnt            = 0;
>   $my_global      = 'global ';
>   //get form data
>   $table_name = $_POST['tablename'];
>   $dbname     = $_POST['dbname'];
>   $uname      = $_POST['uname'];
>   $pass       = $_POST['pass'];
>   $host       = $_POST['host'];
>   $type       = $_POST['gp_type'];
>   if (isset($_POST['slashes'])) $slashes = $_POST['slashes'];
>   if (isset($_POST['specs'])) $specs = $_POST['specs']; //GARRA Added
>   $table_type = $_POST['table_type']; //GARRA Added
>  $altrows = $_POST['altrows']; //GARRA Added
>  $altrowcolor = $_POST['altrowcolor']; //GARRA Added
>  $sesvars = $_POST['sesvars']; //GARRA Added
>   $numeric_field_types_array = array('int','tin','flo','dec','big,
> dou','sma','med');
>   //sql statement
>   $sql = "show columns from $dbname.$table_name";
>   //connection info
>   if (!($conn=mysql_connect($host, $uname, $pass)))  {
>       printf("error connecting to DB by user = $uname and pwd=$pass");
>       exit;
>   }
>   $db=mysql_select_db($dbname,$conn) or die("Unable to connect to
> database1");
>   //run query
>   $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn)or die("Unable to query local database
> <b>". mysql_error()."</b><br>$sql");
>   if (!$result){
>     echo "database query failed. try again";
>     show_form();
>     die();
>   }// end if
>   //do the results and generate the code
>   while ($rows = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
>     //get the data set and stick into a set of arrays
>     $fields[]   = $rows[0];
>     $types[]    = $rows[1];
>     $keys[]     = "". $rows[3];
>     $nulls[]    = "". $rows[2];
>     $defaults[] = "". $rows[4];
>     $extras[]   = "". $rows[5];
>   }
>   $cnt = count($fields);
>   //get the primary key for the table
>   foreach($keys as $key => $value){
>     if ($value=="PRI"){
>       $pk_id = $key;
>       if (strtolower(substr($types[$pk_id], 0, 6)) != "varcha"){
>          $pk_num = true;
>       }else{
>          $pk_num = false;
>       }// end if
>     } // endfor
>   }// end foreach
>   //get the initial variabales
> ===============================================
>   //echo "<font size=4 color=red><b>setting initial
> variables</b></font><br>";
>     for ($x=0; $x < $cnt; $x++){
>       $initial_varis .= "\$$fields[$x]                =
> \"$defaults[$x]\";<br>\n";
>     }
>   //echo $initial_varis;
>  //set post/get
> variables====================================================
>   //echo "<p><font size=4 color=red><b>setting post/get
> values</b></font><br>";
>   for ($x=0; $x < $cnt; $x++){
>    //"session varis in table" checked
>    //  add a "T" to each INCOMMING vari name
>    if ($sesvars == "yes"){
>     $addt = "t";
>    } else {
>     $addt = "";
>    }
>     if ($slashes=="yes"){
>       $post_varis .= "\$$fields[$x]   =
> addslashes(@\$".$type."['$addt$fields[$x]']);<br>\n";
>     } else if ($specs == "yes") {//Garra Addition
>       $post_varis .= "\$$fields[$x]   =
> htmlspecialchars(@\$".$type."['$addt$fields[$x]']);<br>\n";
>     }else{
>       $post_varis .= "\$$fields[$x]   =
> @\$".$type."['$addt$fields[$x]'];<br>\n";
>     }// end if
>   } // end for
>   //echo $post_varis;
>   //SELECT query statement
> GARRA==============================================
>   $select_query = "\$sql = \"SELECT ";
>   for ($x=0; $x < $cnt; $x++){
>     $select_query .= "$fields[$x], ";
>   }// end for
>   //strip last comma...
>   $select_query = substr($select_query, 0, strlen($select_query)-2) .
> "<br>FROM $table_name";
>   //rows id'd by pprimary key
>   if ($pk_num == true){
>     $select_query .= "<br>WHERE $fields[$pk_id] = \$$fields[$pk_id]";
>   }else{
>     $select_query .= "<br>WHERE $fields[$pk_id] = '\$$fields[$pk_id]'";
>   }//end if
>   $select_query .="<br>ORDER BY $fields[$pk_id]<br>\";";
>   //get the insert statement
> =================================================
>   //echo "<p><font size=4 color=red><b>setting insert
> statement</b></font><br>";
>   $insert_query = "\$sql = \"INSERT INTO $table_name (";
>   for ($x=0; $x < $cnt; $x++){
>     $insert_query .= "$fields[$x], ";
>   }// end for
>   //strip last comma
>  $insert_query = substr($insert_query, 0, strlen($insert_query)-2) . ")
> <br>VALUES (";
>   for ($x=0; $x < $cnt; $x++){
>     if (in_array(substr($types[$x],0,3), $numeric_field_types_array)){
>        $insert_query .= "\$$fields[$x], ";
>     }else{
>        $insert_query .= "'\$$fields[$x]', ";
>     }// end if
>   }// end for
>   //strip last comma
>   $insert_query = substr($insert_query, 0, strlen($insert_query)-2) .
> ")<br>\";";
>   //echo $insert_query;
>   //get the update
> statement==================================================
>   //echo "<p><font size=4 color=red><b>setting update</b></font><br>";
>   $update_query = "\$sql = \"UPDATE $table_name<br> SET ";
>   for ($x=0; $x < $cnt; $x++){
>       if (in_array(substr($types[$x],0,3), $numeric_field_types_array)){
>        $update_query .= "$fields[$x]=\$$fields[$x], ";
>     }else{
>        $update_query .= "$fields[$x]='\$$fields[$x]', ";
>     }// end if
>   }// end for
>   $update_query = substr($update_query, 0, strlen($update_query)-2);
>   //rows id'd by pprimary key
>   if ($pk_num == true){
>     $update_query .= "<br>WHERE $fields[$pk_id] = \$$fields[$pk_id]";
>   }else{
>     $update_query .= "<br>WHERE $fields[$pk_id] = '\$$fields[$pk_id]'";
>   }//end if
>   $update_query .="<br>\";";
>   //echo $update_query;
>   //get the primary key for the table
> =======================================
>   //echo "<p><font size=4 color=red><b>setting global
> variables</b></font><br>";
>   for ($x=0; $x < $cnt; $x++){
>     $my_global .= "\$$fields[$x], ";
>   } // end for
>   $my_global =  substr($my_global,0,strlen($my_global) - 2) . ";";
>   //echo "$my_global";
>   //get the editable values from the db
> ======================================
>   //echo "<p><font size=4 color=red><b>getting edit variables</b></font><br>
> ";
>   for ($x=0; $x < $cnt; $x++){
>     if ($slashes=="yes"){
>        $edit_variables .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;\$$fields[$x] \t\t=
> stripslashes(\$row['$$fields[$x]']);<br>\n ";
>     }else{
>        $edit_variables .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;\$$fields[$x] \t\t=
> \$row['$$fields[$x]'];<br>\n ";
>     }// end if
>   }// end for
>   //echo $edit_variables;
>   //Basic
> Form================================================================
>   //two styles...
>   // - php: embedded within a php variable
>   // - html: straight html with embedded php variables
>  //"session varis in table" checked
>  //  add a "T" to each OUTGOING vari name
>  //  and add to heading
>  if ($sesvars == "yes"){
>   $sesvarstxt = "-Session Variables-";
>  }
>   if ($table_type == "php") {
>    $formdescription = "Embedded in PHP Variable";
>    $formname = $table_name.'form';
>    $basic_form =
>    "\$$formname = \" <form action=\".\$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].\" method=post>
>    <table width=90% align=center border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0>";
>    //create table rows
>    for ($x=0; $x < $cnt; $x++){
>    $formfield = $fields[$x];
>     //"session varis in table" checked
>     //  add a "T" to each OUTGOING vari name
>     if ($sesvars == "yes"){
>      $addt = "t";
>     } else {
>      $addt = "";
>     }
>    //don't allow edit of id field
>    if ($fields[$x] == $fields[$pk_id]){
>     $formpart = "\$$formfield";
>     $iddescr = "ID";
>    } else {
>     $formpart = "<input size=50 type=text name=\\\"$addt$formfield\\\"
> value=\\\"\$$formfield\\\">";
>     $iddescr = "";
>    }
>    //color alt rows
>    if ($altrows == "yes" && fmod($x+1,2) == 0) {
>     $rowcolor = "bgcolor=$altrowcolor";
>    } else {
>     $rowcolor = "";
>    }
>      $basic_form .= "
>      <tr $rowcolor>
>      <td width=50% align=right valign=top>$iddescr
>      <td width=50% valign=top>$formpart";
>    }// end for
>    //end form
>    $basic_form .= "
>    <tr>
>    <td align=right valign=top><input   type=reset   value=\\\"Reset\\\" >
>    <td align=left valign=top><input   type=submit   value=\\\"Submit\\\" >
>    </table>
>    <input   type=hidden   name=\\\"\\\"   value=\\\"\\\" >
>    </form>
>    \";
>    ";
>   } else if ($table_type == "html") {
>    $formdescription = "in HTML with Embedded PHP Variables";
>    $basic_form =
>    "<form action=\"<?php echo \$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>\" method=post>
>    <table width=90% align=center border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0>
>    ";
>    //create table rows
>    for ($x=0; $x < $cnt; $x++){
>    $formfield = $fields[$x];
>     //"session varis in table" checked
>     //  add a "T" to each OUTGOING vari name
>     if ($sesvars == "yes"){
>      $addt = "t";
>     } else {
>      $addt = "";
>     }
>    //don't allow edit of id field
>    if ($fields[$x] == $fields[$pk_id]){
>     $formpart = "<?php echo \$$formfield; ?>";
>     $iddescr = "ID";
>    } else {
>     $formpart = "<input size=50 type=text name=\"$addt$formfield\"
> value=\"<?php echo \$$formfield; ?>\">";
>     $iddescr = "";
>    }
>    //color alt rows
>    if ($altrows == "yes" && fmod($x+1,2) == 0) {
>     $rowcolor = "bgcolor=$altrowcolor";
>    } else {
>     $rowcolor = "";
>    }
>      $basic_form .= " <tr $rowcolor>\n  <td width=50% align=right
> valign=top>$iddescr\n  <td width=50% valign=top>$formpart\n";
>    }//for
>   //end form
>    $basic_form .= "
>    <tr >
>    <td align=right valign=top><input   type=reset   value=\"Reset\" >
>    <td align=left valign=top><input   type=submit   value=\"Submit\" >
>    </table>
>    <input   type=hidden   name=\"\"   value=\"\" >
>    </form>
>    ";
>   }//if table_type
>  //convert <,>, etc to &xyzt; format so the html will show up
>   $basic_form = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($basic_form));
>   /*
>   -$initial_varis
>   -$post_varis
>   -$insert_query
>   -$update_query
>   -$my_global
>   -$edit_variables
>   */
>  echo "<table border=1>
>  <tr>
>   <td colspan=2 bgcolor=blue align=center><font size=3
> color=#FFFF66><b>PHP-O-Matic</b></font><font size=6 color=yellow> - -
> <b>$table_name</b> - - </font><font size=3
> color=#FFFF66><b>PHP-O-Matic</b></font>
>  <tr>
>   <td colspan=2 bgcolor=yellow align=center><font size=4 color=blue><b>Get
> data from Table</b></font>
>  <tr>
>   <td colspan=2>
>   <table>
>   <tr>
>   <td valign=top width=33%><font size=4 color=red><b>The
> Query</b></font><br>$select_query
>   <td valign=top width=33%><font size=4 color=red><b>Many
> Values</b></font><br>
> \$sql_result = mysql_query(\$sql,\$connection) or die (\"Couldn't
> execute\");<br>
>     while (\$row = mysql_fetch_array(\$sql_result)) { <br>
>     $edit_variables <br>
>      }//while \$row <br>
>   <td valign=top width=33%><font size=4 color=red><b>One
> Value</b></font><br>
> \$sql_result = mysql_query(\$sql,\$connection) or die (\"Couldn't execute
> \");<br>
>     \$row = mysql_fetch_array(\$sql_result);<br>
>     if ( mysql_numrows(\$sql_result) == 1 ) { <br>
>     $edit_variables <br>
>     }//if mysql_numrows
>   </table>
>  <tr>
>   <td colspan=2 bgcolor=yellow align=center><font size=4 color=blue><b>Get
> Data from Form</b></font>
>  <tr>
>   <td valign=top width=50%><font size=4 color=red><b>Basic Form
> $formdescription $sesvarstxt</b></font><br>$basic_form
>   <td valign=top width=50%><font size=4 color=red><b>Process the retrieved
> Values $sesvarstxt</b></font><br>$post_varis
>  <tr>
>   <td colspan=2 bgcolor=yellow align=center><font size=4
> color=blue><b>Update the Table</b></font>
>  <tr>
>   <td valign=top width=50%><font size=4 color=red><b>Insert into New
> Record</b></font><br>$insert_query
>   <td valign=top width=50%><font size=4 color=red><b>Update Existing
> Record</b></font><br>$update_query
>  <tr>
>   <td colspan=2 bgcolor=yellow align=center><font size=4
> color=blue><b>Other</b></font>
>  <tr>
>   <td valign=top width=50%><font size=4 color=red><b>Set Initial
> Values</b></font><br>$initial_varis
>   <td valign=top width=50%><font size=4 color=red><b>Set variables as
> Global</b></font><br>$my_global
>  ";
> }// end function
> ?>
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