Tony Marston wrote:
Audit logging -
Workflow -
Yuck - MySQL :(
A decent database has it's own logging stuff built in ;)
And a decent database library does not care which database you use :)
I think that there is a reasonable 'breakpoint' here. As soon as you what an
application structure where users need to log in and security needs managing
then ideally that is provided by the framework. Decent frameworks use well
established libraries to provide some of those functions - ADOdb and smarty
suit me nicely. I can write stand alone stuff via ADOdb direct, or I can work
via the framework and access second level functions such as gallery, board,
editing and the like. Some applications can directly access the libraries, and
that is the hole I have 'dug' myself into since moving from the earlier simple
'framework' to something that provides a proper security and expandability is
now proving difficult.
'If it isn't broken don't fix it' causes a problem when YOU know that the step
change will make future development easier, but the customers keep asking -
'Can you just add XXX' :(
Lester Caine - G8HFL
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