Hi Everyone,
I have a client that wants me to fork a current project into a
membership management piece of software. Does anyone know of any open
source projects that I can look at?
The big things I need, are the ability to decide if the members will
receive a paper copy of a newsletter vs. a e-mail copy. Ability to
export addresses for paper mailing a newsletter.
Possibility to store seasonal addresses for the same person (Up here
in the Great white north we call them "Snow Birds")
PHP/MySQL based since that's what I know :)
I've done some googling but keep seeming to find club's where I can
become a member... Which is not what I want :)
Any ideas?
Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424-9337
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