Daniel Brown has written on 4/16/2008 5:20 PM:
On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 5:14 PM, Pete Holsberg <pjh42@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Why do I need both from_addr and field_4 (Email Address)? Could I just use
$from = $_POST['field_4']?
Sorry, I noticed it after I started rewriting the form processor,
and then forgot to edit the email accordingly.
That's correct. Where I placed the $_POST['from_addr'] stuff,
just replace it with $_POST['field_4']. And then, of course, you can
ignore the HTML field-adding section of my previous email
OK. Here's what I have now for processor.php:
$where_form_is =
if (mail($to, $from, $subject, $body)) {
echo("<p>Message successfully sent!</p>");
} else {
echo("<p>Message delivery failed...</p>");
$to = "4sam-nj-subscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,pjh42@xxxxxxxxx";
$subject = "SUBSCRIBE";
$from = $_POST['field_4'];
$body = "Form data:
Name: ".$_POST['field_1']."
Street Address: ".$_POST['field_2']."
Phone Number: ".$_POST['field_3']."
Email Address: ".$_POST['field_4']."
powered by phpFormGenerator, but fixed by PHP-General!";
$headers = "From: \"".$_POST['field_1']."\" <".$_POST['from_addr'].">\r\n";
$headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP/".phpversion()."\r\n";
I don't get either of the echo statements, and the emails are not being
What did I omit?
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