Hi everyone :) Happy friday to all of you!
Here's my issues, I am attempting to echo the results of mysqli query
out to my script just so I can make sure it's working right, what I'm
hoping to do in the long run is compare what was typed in a text box
to this info... It's for verifying a old password before changing to a
new password... So here is my query:
$oldpasswordquery = "SELECT loginPassword, Record FROM current WHERE
loginPassword='{$oldPassHash}' AND Record='{$Record}'";
$chpwold[] = mysqli_query($chpwpostlink, $oldpasswordquery) or
die("Sorry read failed: ". mysqli_error($chpwpostlink));
$chpwresult = $chpwold[0];
$chpwrow[] = mysqli_fetch_assoc($chpwresult) or die('Sorry it didn\'t
work....' .mysqli_error($chpwpostlink));
echo $chpwrow['loginPassword'];
The echo and the print_r are for debugging and obviously wont' be in
the final script... Here is the error that I am getting:
[Fri Mar 28 12:14:39 2008] [error] PHP Notice: Undefined index:
loginPassword in /Volumes/RAIDer/webserver/Documents/dev/OLDBv2/admin/
chpwpost.php on line 18
Line 18 is where the echo is...
the print_r though shows this:
Array ( [0] => Array ( [loginPassword] =>
42205baa2581d3fcd8d8f9c6b9746a1f [Record] => 2 ) )
So why can't I access it via $chpwrow['loginPassword']? I'm
stumped.... Anyone that can help me has a free beer waiting for them
the next time they are in my town! :)
Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424-9337