Hi all. I am looking for a web host for a site. The usual host I work with is missing some important functionality, so I need to look elsewhere for this project. Specifically, I need web host that offers the following: - PHP 5.2.x - SOAP support - MySQL 5.0.x - Allows .htaccess configuration My current host is fine aside from the SOAP support, which is missing. Does anyone have any good recommendations for such a host? I'd prefer shared (it shouldn't be a super-high-traffic site), but if necessary I'm open to dedicated if it's not too pricey. I am willing to pay for quality service (so I don't need a cheapo $5/month site). --Larry Garfield -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php