It Maq wrote:
i need help because I'm unable to retrieve error's context. Below is the code that is working perfectly except the context that is not displayed:
function error_handler($errno, $errstr, $filename, $lineno, $errcontext)
try doing a print_r($errcontext) here and see what you get?
maybe the zero index does not exist.
$str = "";
$str .= "<br><br>ERROR Number: ". $errno;
$str .= "<br>ERROR MESSAGE: ". $errstr;
$str.= "<br>File: ". $filename;
$str.= "<br>Line number: ". $lineno;
$str.= "<br>Context: ". $errcontext[0];
echo $str;
echo "<h1>Testing set_error_handler</h1>";
I have always used
instead of this.
ini_set('error_reporting', 0);
I have never seen the above line before. This and the error_reporting(0) would
probably suppress all error messages generated by PHP. Double check these
settings and make sure the you can still trigger an error with trigger_error()
if you have error_reporting() turned off.
//trigger_error("The string for testing the error", E_USER_WARNING);
$ourFileName = "testFile.txt";
$fh = fopen($ourFileName, 'X');// or die("Can't open file");
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