I also look for a littlebit similar solution as this one - how to get
list of my public documents on docs.google so that I could put it on a
public webpage for visitors to see (I'd wrap them somehow - via using
iframe i think). I found out some related information on
http://code.google.com/apis/accounts/AuthForWebApps.html and
The google documents list data API has only Java and Python related
guides, but not for PHP. Also when I did search on the internet did not
help. Any ideas how to get over it?
Thanks a lot!
Torsten Rosenberger wrote:
I watched docs.google.com an wonder how they can export the
WYSIWYG created content in pdf, word, ...
Are they working with COM() functions on Windows ? to generate the docs
and pdf
or is it possible to create them with XSLT
BR Torsten
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