At 7:37 PM -0400 7/5/07, Robert Cummings wrote:
On Thu, 2007-07-05 at 16:27 -0700, Steve Edberg wrote:
Proposal -
Perhaps we could separate Brain Teasers, Obfuscated PHP challenges,
and what-have-you to a separate mailing list, say php-fun (php-phun?
PHPhun?)? Maybe you could also include 'use of eval()' in that list,
since I think 97.004% of the time using eval() inevitably leads to
obfuscation. And one should eschew obfuscation.
We could... but why bother?!
Minimizing the circumlocution and periphrasis that is characteristic
of an exhaustively obfuscated style is conducive to a maximally
productive ISO-9000/six-sigma enterprise infrastructure that is
architected towards the rightsized core competencies of an n-tier
profit maximization strategy.
Errr, wait, I think I just wandered into the 'PHP as a strategic
BUSINESS language' thread...
- s
+--------------- my people are the people of the dessert, ---------------+
| Steve Edberg |
| UC Davis Genome Center sbedberg@xxxxxxxxxxx |
| Bioinformatics programming/database/sysadmin (530)754-9127 |
+---------------- said t e lawrence, picking up his fork ----------------+
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