kvigor wrote:
That was a typo there's on one IN clause.
here is how it reads: SELECT * FROM central WHERE
CONCAT(strName,strCity,strState) IN('7orange50lbs','8purple60lbs').
So in my table I have 8 in size column, purple in color column, and 60lbs in
weight column.
Since the concatenated value will be 8purple60lbs, shouldn't MySQL return
that row? Thanks for your patience.
Ok, well, here is what I would do now. Just to make sure things are as we are assuming they are.
SELECT CONCAT(strName,strCity,strState) AS combined_string FROM central
print the results of that sql and see if combined_string looks like what we think it should be.
This you can do in phpmyadmin.
oh, what is up with the naming conventions? Trying to trick us?
To me it would not be obvious that you are storing colors in column for what looks like a city name.
Just wondering...
Jim Lucas
"Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
and some have greatness thrust upon them."
Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
by William Shakespeare
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