Since this has really nothing to do with helping the OP with his original question, and honestly
sounds like a bitch fest from hell. Why don't you take your disagreement of list.... Please.
The one thing I hate is when I see emails from one person telling them that their opinion is more
correct the the other, or what ever the heck it is that they are talking about.
If you two can't get to the point of answering the damn question. Then please quit talking, because
it isn't doing anybody any good. You're only wasting our bandwidth.
Oh, instead of debating between the two (or three, four, five, etc...) of you what you think the op
meant in his question, why don't you do the easy thing and ask the op to clarify what it is are his
intentions were by ask the question.
Honestly, "hi, can some body help me, how to start php framwork for large site?" to me would suggest
that he wants to build his own.
Now, to me, he wants to start his own PHP Framework. Now, if you can't suggest any good sources for
the op to read/investigate. Keep your mouth shut and don't waist everybody's bandwidth and time!
Jim Lucas
"Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
and some have greatness thrust upon them."
Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
by William Shakespeare
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