I got the function from the web, the implementation I did myself, echo
Maybe I'm not using the function right because I keep getting a fatal error
Fatal error: Call to undefined function logEventToTextFile() on line 79
Does it look like I'm implementing the code correctly?
And I tried with GET, I get the same error.
- Daniel
"Tijnema" <tijnema@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
On 6/19/07, Dan <frozendice@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm having trouble with sockets in PHP, if anyone has the time to help
that would be awesome.
I am trying to get the result of a post
There are a lot of people that are probably willing to help, but what
is your exact problem?
echo httpSocketConnection("www.google.com", "POST", "/search", "q=test",
This should post to google.com with a query of test. Then give me the
response. The function I'm using is below.
Google doesn't wants a POST request, make it a GET request and it should
Here's the function's code:
You copied this straight from the web? If so, then there are probably
no bugs in it.
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