Why don't you use:
highlight_file(__FILE__) ?
I have been coding that thing for MONTHS now... just to get syntax
highlighting for my tutorial blog... maybe I shouldn't write tutorials...
maybe I should rather read them *g*
Thanks for this short, but awesome answer :o) I wasn't the one asking the
question, but nonetheless you have just wrecked my weekend :oP If I could
kick my own rear end, I would do so´for the next two days...
Cheers mate, and have a great weekend!
- tul
James Lockie wrote:
This almost works but all my < and > are replaced with "".
// open this file to show the source
if (($fh = fopen( __FILE__, 'r' )) === FALSE){
die ('Failed to open source file (' . $_FILE_ . ') for
} else {
$tags = array( "<", ">" );
$safe_tags = array( "\\<", "\\>" );
print "<pre>\n";
// read the file line by line
while (! feof( $fh )) {
$currentLine = fgets( $fh, 255 );
$noTags = str_replace( $tags, $safeTags, $currentLine );
print $noTags;
fclose( $fh );
print "</pre>\n";
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