tedd wrote:
At 5:06 PM +0200 4/26/07, Tijnema ! wrote:
It's not XHTML 1.0 Strict valid .. :P
You're page is HTML 4.01 valid, i think you should make it XHTML 1.0
Argggg. Then I would have to add all those "/" to my ">" in all my
code in all my sites. Literally millions of new "/" would have to be
added. That act could possibly crash the net.
So, until someone points out a good reason for me to change (I'm open
for redirection), I'll continue to use what works for me. Besides,
it's still compliant, isn't it?
Call me crazy, but I use HTML 4.01 Transitional.
It's messy as ever, but it works. And I've never had a browser bark
over my <br> or <br/> or <br />
I'll also admit I don't have enough CSS knowledge yet to make page
layouts with completely dynamic positioning that actually look good,
regardless of the browser window size and aspect ratio. You know,
tables do a fantastic job of controlling layout. :-)
(I'm expecting several hate-mail replies now.)
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