Jochem Maas wrote:
Tijnema ! wrote:
On 3/26/07, Chris <dmagick@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
itoctopus wrote:
The purpose of this script is to optimize all associated tables in all
databases on a mysql server. This script is working great, you can
put in a
CRON and run it every day. Feel free to throw in your 2 cents!
It's going to time out if you have any large databases or tables.
php will not timeout on the commandline unless you actually specify
a timeout - unlike php as used as a webserver SAPI.
Considering the amount of html in the script I guessed (maybe
incorrectly) it was for running from a browser - which is why I
mentioned about the timeout issue.
A command line script isn't going to have <br/>'s or tables or anything
(well, none that I've written recently do).
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