Dan Shirah wrote:
Okay, I thought this was VERY simple, but I cannot wrap my mind around what
I am doing wrong.
echo $_POST['max_id']; *The echo returns the correct result
*if($_POST['max_id'] ='') { *This is suppose to run the below query if
$_POST['max_id'] is not blank*
$max_id = $_POST['max_id']; *Sets my POST value to a variable*
$info = "SELECT * FROM payment_request WHERE id = '$max_id'"; *Selects
record from my database by the matching ID's*
$result_info = mssql_query($info) or die(mssql_error()); *Puts the query
results into a variable*
$row_info = ifx_fetch_row($result_info); *Makes a row in an array for all
the returned fields from my query*
$my_info = $row_info['my_value'];
<input type="Text" value="<?php echo $my_info; ?>" size="20" maxlength="16"
name="my_value"> *However, this box returns no data.*
I should be using if($_POST['max_id'] ='') { and notif($_POST['max_id']
!=='') { correct? Since it is a comparative function just the = should
be correct.
Can someone take a look at this solution and tell me if this would be a descent solution for his
I use this logic all over my code base, let me know if it is efficient, clean, well structured, etc...
if ( isset($_POST['max_id']) ) {
$max_id = (int)$_POST['max_id'];
if ( empty($max_id) ) {
die('not a valid id');
# or some other, more graceful, way of catching the error
$SQL = "SELECT * FROM payment_request WHERE id = '{$max_id}'";
if ( ( $result_info = mssql_query($SQL) ) === false ) {
# again, maybe something more graceful here
if ( mssql_num_rows( $result_info ) == 0 ) {
die('nothing to display');
# again, maybe something more graceful here
} else {
while ( $row_info = mssql_fetch_array($result_info) ) {
echo '<input type="Text" value="'.$row_info['my_value'].
'" size="20" maxlength="16" name="my_value">';
Jim Lucas
Different eyes see different things. Different hearts beat on different strings. But there are times
for you and me when all such things agree.
- Rush
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