2007. 03. 23, péntek keltezéssel 17.30-kor Dwayne Heronimo ezt írta:
> YES this works thank nemeth:
your welcome but please call me Zoltán ;)
(my first name is Zoltán. in Hungary we write names the opposite order
than anywhere else ;) so that's why my mailbox is set to display 'Németh
Zoltán' but I sign my mails as 'Zoltán Németh' showing that my first
name is Zoltán and last name is Németh :) )
Zoltán Németh
You see, people are looking at your email address
and making the assumption that your first name is
Now, you have a choice: a) don't change you email
and continue receiving email thinking Nemeth is
your first name; b) or change your email address.
As us USA types are told, we all have to adapt to global conventions. :-)
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