Dear All, I was wondering if there are any major date function changes between php4 and 5. When I say date function I mean mktime() , date() ,strtotime() etc. Here is my dilemma, I've upgraded from php4 to php5. there is some very old legacy code that is not working correctly. Specifically on our sales calendar. Some task show up but most don't. I have the old site and the new upgraded site on the same db. When entering a new task on the calendar, tasks enter w/ the new system show up on the new system and not on the old. Most old tasks don't show up on the new. The code is a pretty bad hack (why use the echo statement once when you can use it 207 times). www:/srv/www/htdocs/admin # grep -ic "echo" calendar/calendar.html 207 Any knowledge of this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, -- Paul Nowosielski Webmaster -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: