Re: Oracle XMLTYPE column truncates

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DB truncation could be either of the following:

The column is not large enough to hold that data.
Research LONGTEXT and BLOB

The query buffer is not large enough to pass the data in.
Re-configure your db/php setup.

Note that cramming all that XML into the DB seems kinda silly to me,
unless you are using Oracle XML functionality on the data.

We've beaten this horse to death lately, but you should CONSIDER the
option of just storing the XML in a file, and the filename in the DB.

Read the "images in db" thread last week to view the dead horse.

On Thu, March 8, 2007 5:47 am, Mikey wrote:
> Hi!
> I am running some tests for implementing variable metadata using
> Oracle's XMLTYPE.  Creating the XML and inserting it into the database
> works fine, however when trying to retrieve data it truncates the
> returned results.  The code I am using to fetch the data is as
> follows:
> $row_sql = "SELECT xml_metadata FROM mdt1_metadata WHERE key_id =
> :kid";
> $row_sth = oci_parse ($conn, $row_sql); // $conn defined elsewhere
> oci_bind_by_name ($row_sth, ":kid", $row['key_id']);
> if (oci_execute ($row_sth)) {
> 	$xml_row = oci_fetch_array ($row_sth, OCI_ASSOC);
> 	try {
> 		$xml = new SimpleXMLElement ($xml_row['xml_metadata']);
> 	}
> 	catch (Exception $e) {
> 		echo "\n\n{$xml_row['xml_metadata']}\n\n";
> 		exit;
> 	}
> 	// stuff goes in here....
> }
> I was wondering if anyone else on this list has had the same problem,
> or
> knows of a better way of returning long values using OCI?
> TIA,
> Mikey
> --
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