I am running some tests for implementing variable metadata using
Oracle's XMLTYPE. Creating the XML and inserting it into the database
works fine, however when trying to retrieve data it truncates the
returned results. The code I am using to fetch the data is as follows:
$row_sql = "SELECT xml_metadata FROM mdt1_metadata WHERE key_id = :kid";
$row_sth = oci_parse ($conn, $row_sql); // $conn defined elsewhere
oci_bind_by_name ($row_sth, ":kid", $row['key_id']);
if (oci_execute ($row_sth)) {
$xml_row = oci_fetch_array ($row_sth, OCI_ASSOC);
try {
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement ($xml_row['xml_metadata']);
catch (Exception $e) {
echo "\n\n{$xml_row['xml_metadata']}\n\n";
// stuff goes in here....
I was wondering if anyone else on this list has had the same problem, or
knows of a better way of returning long values using OCI?
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