At 1:49 PM -0500 3/2/07, Brad Bonkoski wrote:
Overall this has been a cool and interesting thread. For the most
part, I would say I side with Mark, but again the fatal flaw appears
to be the insistence that one approach is right in 100% of the
time...which 99% of the time is false.
You can't have it both ways -- either some of what I say is true, or
none of it is true.
If it's not true, then you can side with Mark. But, if it is true
then you cannot side with Mark.
That's the reason for this discussion, not to see where the majority
of opinions falls. I seldom use dB's to store images either, but on
occasion it is "preferable" and is certainly not "bad" practice to do
so, as Mark claims.
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