I need an anti-spam-spider measure for my site. Too many addresses are
getting raked. In once instance, I created a flash page:
But I just don't have the time to create a flash image for every single
instance, most of which come from dynamically printed PHP pages from a
MySQL database.
Could I dynamically create a flash image, input the email and tell the
flash image to mailto:the@xxxxxxxxxxx?
Do anyone have a solution? Does one already exist?
My idea was to create a PHP script and output to a png. But I see many
problems, including:
1) How do I avoid echoing the email address in the <a href=""> tag?
2) How would I write a png that would be long and high enough?
3) How would the same script display the png?
In short, I can't see far enough how to do this and avoid spider-raking
in the HTML or header the content of the image.
Any advice, code or input would be appreciated,
<a href="<?php
#what do I put here?
$mydata->email = "me@xxxxxxxxxxxxx";
echo $??????????;
?>"><img src="<?php
|header('Content-type: image/png');|
#How do I display the image?
$mydata->email = "me@xxxxxxxxxxxxx";
echo $??????????;
?>" width="???" height="???">
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