RE: Re: Securing user table with sha function

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On Tue, February 20, 2007 4:08 am, Tim wrote:
>> -----Message d'origine-----
>> De : Haydar Tuna [mailto:haydartuna@xxxxxxxxxx]
>> Envoyé : mardi 20 février 2007 10:34
>> À : php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Objet :  Re: Securing user table with sha function
>> Hello again,
>>       if you crypt your usernames, it happened many problems.
>> As you know, if you crypt any string to SHA1, you don't
>> decrypt again. You cannot use username in your application.
>> in my many application, I have crpyted password , I haven't
>> cryrpt usernames. Becuase I used username for session
>> authentication. for example if  I want to action on the
>> usernames or list of usernames , what can I do this? All of
>> usernames are crypted.
> OK then what if i consider using PHP's Mcrypt extension with a key to
> crypt/decrypt data, this would give me the possiblity to use a
> username
> crypted hash in the session variable and decrypt it at any moment with
> the
> proper key?

MySQL also has AES_CRYPT which will do this, so you needn't restrict
yourself to PHP.

You then have the tough question of whether it's more likely that your
PHP source will be exposed and the key will "leak out" leaving you
vulnerable to attack, or, perhaps, somebody on your server will manage
to RUN your script that authenticates them in some way that gives them
more access than they should, just because they can run the script
with the key in it.

On a shared server, for MOST webhosts, all the other users on that
server can just read your PHP scripts using PHP because, duh, PHP has
to be able to read your PHP script so PHP can read&execute your PHP
script. [*]

On a dedicated box where you, and only you, are the only user that has
a valid login, it could help slow down an attack, or, perhaps, might
open up a hole, if you code it wrong.

There isn't a "right" answer because Security is not an off-the-rack
suit.  It's a custom-tailored suit to fit the application needs.

Your online bank needs a lot different security than your local
community forum.

Applying bank level security measures to the local community forum
adds user inconvenience with no real benefit.

You should always consider Security in the context of the application
with an eye to usability and smooth process flow on the business side,
and not just ultimate "security"

Nobody knows which is better for what you are doing, because we have
NO IDEA what you are doing, and you can't really tell us in a post to
PHP-General, even one as long as this. :-)

* I am completely ignoring various commercial PHP-obfuscation tools
other than this footnote to keep others from posting about them. 
They're out there, Google for them, use them if appropriate, coo coo
ka choo.

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Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some starving artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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