Hi all. I have an odd problem. I am building an events directory and when users search, they provide a date range ie Feb 16 2007 to March 12 2007 as one of the options for searching. The system then creates an array of timestamps from this and then polls the database for all events whose lifetimes (start to end data) intersect with or contain the user date ranges. The system then checks how many of those dates map onto the dates provided by the user and returns an array of events on specific dates, all by comparing timestamps. The system is working like a dream apart from the following. If the user selects a start date prior to March 26 2007 or after October 29th 2007 all is well. If they specify a start date after March 26 the events are not being pulled in. I have converted the user-friendly date output to timestamps to check and sure enough, when the user selects a start date before March 26 2007, March 26 2007 is output as: 1174863600 ...after that it becomes: 1174860000 ...a difference of 3600 Is this anything to do with leap seconds or any other clock drift phenomenon anyone has seen before? Much hair being torn out at present! -- http://www.web-buddha.co.uk