Hello all, I am trying to populate a dropdown list to contain the current year to 10 years in the future. Below is the code I'm using: <?PHP for ($y=0;$y<=10;$y++) { $years=date <http://php.net/date>('Y')+$y; $short_years=date <http://php.net/date>('y')+$y; echo "$short_years"; echo "<option value=\"$short_years\">$years</option>"; } ?> I want the selection value to be 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.... and the $years accomplishes this. Howeverm I want the option value to be the two digit year ex. 07, 08, 09, 10...the $short_years semi accomplishes this....instead of getting 07, 08, 08, 10 I get 7, 8, 9, 10...how can I get it to output the two year for 07, 08, 09 without it cutting off the zero? Reagrds, Dan