Hi. I am new to uising html forms with php and I am having a problem with database contents not being updated although it seems my coding is correct. It's a xhtml formatted site with html forms: Here are my functions: <? function login($uid, $pwd) { $pass = md5($pwd); $pasw = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT pass FROM members WHERE name='".$uid."'")); $dbpw = $pasw[0]; if($pass == $dbpw) { $banned=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE banned='1' and name='".$uid."'")); if($banned) { return 2; }else{ return 0; } }else{ return 1; } } function edtsite($username,$pass,$snm,$lnk,$imgu,$catg,$uid,$dsc,$keywords,$weblnk,$sid) { if (login($username,$pass)==0) { $adds=mysql_query("UPDATE sub_sites SET sitename='".$snm."', sitelink='".$lnk."', sitelogo='".$image."', catid='".$catg."', uid='".$uid."', dscr='".$dsc."', keywords='".$keywords."', weblink='".$weblnk."' WHERE id='".$sid."'"); if ($adds) { return true; } else { return false ; } }else{ return false; } } ?> Everything seems to be correct, but the table isn't updated... <? echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"editsitefin.php?uid=$uid&pwd=$pwd&sid=$sid\">"; echo "*Site Name: <input type=\"text\" name=\"snm\" maxlength=\"30\" size=\"10\" value=\"$sites[1]\"/><br/>"; echo "*Wap Link: <input type=\"text\" name=\"lnk\" maxlength=\"200\" size=\"10\" value=\"$sites[3]\"/><br/>"; echo "Web Link: <input type=\"text\" name=\"weblnk\" maxlength=\"200\" size=\"10\" value=\"$sites[14]\"/><br/>"; echo "Logo URL: <input type=\"text\" name=\"imgu\" maxlength=\"200\" size=\"10\" value=\"$sites[4]\"/><br/>"; echo "*Description: <input type=\"text\" name=\"dsc\" maxlength=\"200\" size=\"10\" value=\"$sites[11]\"/><br/>"; echo "*Category:"; echo "<select name=\"catg\" value=\"$sites[2]\">"; echo "<option value=\"1\">Entertainment</option>"; echo "<option value=\"2\">Portal - Search</option>"; echo "<option value=\"3\">Messaging - Chat</option>"; echo "<option value=\"4\">Ringtones - Logos</option>"; echo "<option value=\"5\">Fun - Games</option>"; echo "<option value=\"6\">Hobbies - Interests</option>"; echo "<option value=\"7\">Services</option>"; echo "<option value=\"8\">Personal</option>"; echo "<option value=\"9\">Others</option>"; echo "</select><br/>"; echo "*Keywords: (separate by spaces)<input type=\"text\" name=\"keywords\" maxlength=\"200\" size=\"20\" value=\"$sites[13]\"/><br/>"; echo "* = Denotes a required field.<br/>"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"add\" value=\"Edit\"/>"; echo "</form>"; ?> Theres my form, also everything seems to be correct... The correct values are displayed when the form is loaded. <? $uid=$_GET["uid"]; $pwd=$_GET["pwd"]; $snm = $_POST["snm"]; $lnk = $_POST["lnk"]; $imgu = $_POST["imgu"]; $catg = $_POST["catg"]; $dsc = $_POST["dsc"]; $weblnk = $_POST["weblnk"]; $keywords = $_POST["keywords"]; $sid = $_POST["sid"]; $uidid = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * from members where name='".$uid."';")); $res = edtsite($uid,$pwd,$snm,$lnk,$imgu,$catg,$uidid[0],$dsc,$keywords,$weblnk,$sid); $snm=htmlspecialchars($snm); if ($res) { $stid = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * from sub_sites where sitelink='".$lnk."';")); echo "<head>"; metatags(); echo "<title>Chilling Lounge.net</title>"; echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"style.css\">"; echo "</head>"; echo "<body>"; echo "<table>"; echo "<div class=\"cre\">"; echo "$snm Updated Successfully</div>"; ?> And theres my site finished page (editsitefin.php), I can't find any errors, but I am not that clued up with html forms. Does anyone notice any errors? It displays a success message yet when I look at the database or when I browse again to the site, the info isn't updated. Please check if you find any errors that could cause the database fields not to be updated or suggest a possible fix Thanks -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php