Wikus Moller wrote:
I am new to uising html forms with php and I am having a problem with
database contents not being updated although it seems my coding is
Is it getting into the function? What is the exact database query that
is being run? Does that return an error when you run it manually?
$adds=mysql_query("UPDATE sub_sites SET
sitename='".$snm."', sitelink='".$lnk."', sitelogo='".$image."',
catid='".$catg."', uid='".$uid."', dscr='".$dsc."',
keywords='".$keywords."', weblink='".$weblnk."' WHERE id='".$sid."'");
You're not doing any escaping here, so a quote or something like that
could be causing the problem. I'd suggest using mysql_real_escape_string
or mysql_escape_string depending on what version of php you are running
(see manual for more info).
$update_query = "UPDATE sub_sites SET
sitelink='".mysql_real_escape_string($lnk) ..............
echo $update_query;
$adds = mysql_query($update_query);
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