Check php.ini session settings. There are some options in there for
you to use in your scripts. Set up scripts to test whether session
cookies are being saved and then route accordingly.
On Oct 28, 2006, at 12:41 PM, sit1way wrote:
Hey all.
I run a members-only hockey report that relies on Session variable
(s) to
grant/deny access to members-only site content.
Generally members have no trouble accessing members-only content once
logged-in to the site; however, since we have a few thousand
members, I
frequently receive tech support requests along the lines of "My login
doesn't work, I keep getting returned to the login screen".
Invariably it's
McAffee anti-virus, or other anti-virus program running on the user's
computer that disables session cookies, or the user disabled
session cookies
in attempts to make their browser more secure.
Is there a way to get around this problem? Not being able to set
variable(s) is a major annoyance; one that I'd like to resolve if
Suggestions welcome...
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