Richard Lynch wrote:
I think you want that HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA setting thingie that's in the
I tried HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA with same result as php://input did. When
form enctype is "url-form-encoded" they both works fine, but when
enctype is "multipart/form-data" they both are empty. I need second one
to be able to upload files.
In this case HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA are set to "test1=&test2=&upload=" when
you submit the form:
<form action="" method="post">
<input name="test1" />
<input name="test2" />
<input type="file" name="upload" />
<input type="submit" />
In this case HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is empty:
<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input name="test1" />
<input name="test2" />
<input type="file" name="upload" />
<input type="submit" />
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