RE: Strange situation when saving a file

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OK, here is the code behind my problem:

include("evm_mailer.php"); //The class I'm using for sending e-mails, from

ob_start(); // Start Output Buffer functionality

function sendcorreo($from,$doc,$depto,$cuerpo){
	$simple_mailer = new EVM_Mailer(); // create new EVM_Mailer object
	$simple_mailer->set_sender("Departamento de Logística On-line
R8","email@xxxxxxxxxxx"); // set sender name and email address
	$simple_mailer->set_subject("E-mail subject"); // set the subject line of
the email
	$simple_mailer->set_message_type("html"); // text or html mime-type
	$simple_mailer->set_message($cuerpo); // set the message body of the email
	$simple_mailer->add_recipient("Recipient","email@xxxxxxxxxxx"); // add a
recipient to the email To: list
	$simple_mailer->add_BCC("CC Name","email@xxxxxxxxxxx"); // add a recipient
to the email BCC: list
	$simple_mailer->add_attachment($doc,"/path/to/my/file","html"); // add the
file as an attachment
		$simple_mailer->add_CC("CC2 Name","email@xxxxxxxxxxx"); // add a recipient
to the email CC: list
	$simple_mailer->send(); // send the email


$salida=ob_get_contents(); //I store the content to a variable string

if(($numrmagsmseq != "FALSE") or ($numrmatdmaseq != "FALSE")){
	$doc2=$rmat.".doc"; // Create file name
	fclose($file); //Store file
	sendcorreo($userdata[3],$doc2,$userdata[1],$salida); //Calle the function
to send e-mail
ob_end_flush();//Empty the OB and output it contents to the browser

-----Original Message-----
From: Stut [mailto:stuttle@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Miércoles, 30 de Agosto de 2006 03:16 a.m.
To: Miguel Guirao
Cc: PHP List
Subject: Re:  Strange situation when saving a file

Miguel Guirao wrote:
> I'm using ob_start() in order to save the content of a web page into a
> variable string and then save it into a file in the file system. Every
> is done OK. The only workaround I'm doing is adding a .doc file extension
> when saving the file, in order to open the file in Word.
> Once the file has been created and saved as I doc file (not a doc
> I e-mail it!
> When the client gets the e-mail, he/she should open the file either by
> saving the file to the local system or openning the file directly from the
> e-mail attachment. Either way, I got a blank page in Word. If I open the
> document directly from the web server, without having it sent by e-mail,
> opens correctly in Word. The only problem is when the file is been
> emailed!!!
> What could be going wrong?? Any ideas??

My crystal ball tells me that there's something wrong with your code.
Unfortunately, due to the lead shield that surrounds all PHP code I
cannot see it from here. I suggest your next step would be to remove
said shield by emailing the relevant parts to the list. Then we may be
able to bring our collective skills together to assist in solving your


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