On 5/24/06, Martin Alterisio <malterisio777@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:> 2006/5/23, Jochem Maas <jochem@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:>> > my 2cents ....> >> > Martin Alterisio wrote:> > > 2006/5/23, Dotan Cohen <dotancohen@xxxxxxxxx>:> > >> > >>> > >> On 5/23/06, Martin Alterisio < malterisio777@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:> > >> >> > >> > If that's the case, why don't you just use the "export as web page"> or> > >> "save> > >> > as web page" tools of MS Word (if you don't have it anymore you can> as> > >> > someone who still has it, or I think OpenOffice also has a similar> > >> tool).> > >> >> > >>> > >> Because there are 200 of them.> > >>> > >> Dotan Cohen> > >> http://what-is-what.com> > >> 323> > >>> > >> > >> > > Open file, choose file, save as web page, close file ~ 2 minutes> > > 200 files * 2 minutes = 400 minutes ~ 7 hours> > > How much hours have you wasted looking for a php script?> >> > even if it takes him 14 hours to find a script and get it working> > he will have:> >> > a, learnt quite abit about php'ing/html/etc> > b, have the basis for a tool that can convert any future .doc> > files that he finds/get thrown at him.> >> > Martin the suggestion you give sucks because it doesn't empower,> > it leaves Dotan with a sore wrist and no gain in knowledge...> >> > maybe it's good advice for 'noobs' on an Office mailing> > but this is a lsit about programming (sure it's php and plenty of IT> > related people consider us phpers to be the pretty much the lowest form> > of programmer - well not as low as VBscripters ;-) - anyone reading,> posting> > here, I would hope, aspires to a little more than PHB's secretary with> > regards to their IT skills.>>> You're completely right about that. Maybe living too much at the edge of the> deadline has turned me into boring freak (most probably). I have to take> this way of thinking out my mind.>> > >> > > Anyway, I understand... it's a pain in the ass. Whay you're doing wrong> is:> > > you have turned your solution into a problem and forgot what the real> > > problem was.> >> > this assumes there is a 'problem' - maybe Dotan is driven more or less> > by a desire to see if he can do it rather than being up against some> deadline> > or having his boss breathing down his neck waiting for a result?> >>> I disagree. There is always a problem, the kind of problem you're referring> to is "I'm lacking this knowledge, or I want to know how to do X", in his> case X would be "converting word docs to html with a php script".>> My first impression was that this was his problem, but deducing from what he> explained after, I'm certain this isn't the problem he wants to solve, but> rather a solution he came up but is unable to put into practice.>> I think this time PHP is not the solution. A shell script interacting with a> third party tool, or a C program interacting with a third party library will> be a much more appropiate solution.> Jochem, Martin,I had considered the prospect of converting the documents one by one.As Jochem had mentioned, time is not the only factor- I need a method,not a solution. Even if there were 20 instead of two hunderd it wouldbe worth my while to learn to deal with them in an automated fashion. I do agree that a bash script or C would be better suited to this. Toobad I don't know either language. I am not in CS, I am in mechanicalengineering, but I am willing to learn. However, sometimes solutionscome before learning, so I decided to try a language that I at leasthave a handle on. In any case, just as php has Simple XML functionsand a thousand other time-savers, I had hope that there would alreadybe a function or class that solves my problem. Thanks, guys. I will check out wvware and see where it leads me. Iappreciate the advise! Dotan Cohenhttp://technology-sleuth.com02