Hi All I have been trying to have PHP capture incoming emails sent to a specific email account and have not been able to achieve this, I have searched high and low on the internet and the same article (http://www.evolt.org/article/Incoming_Mail_and_PHP/18/27914/index.html) is plastered everywhere I have done everything it says, and still no joy, When I send an email to be captured I receive this bounce back email when sending an email to ade@xxxxxxxxxx (see below) Can any one let a hand? Bounce back email: -------------------------------------------------- ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----- |/wwwroot/www.domain.com/ade/email.php (reason: 255) (expanded from: <ade@xxxxxxxxxx>) ----- Transcript of session follows ----- Status: 404 Content-type: text/html X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.11 No input file specified. 554 5.3.0 unknown mailer error 255 Content-type: text/html X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.11 -------------------------------------------------- Here is how I have everything setup. I have my aliases file set up with the line: ade: |/usr/bin/php, |/wwwroot/www.domain.com/ade/email.php (The path to my PHP is correct) And the script it calls (email.php) the code is: #!/usr/bin/php <?php $fd = fopen("php://stdin", "r"); $email = ""; while (!feof($fd)) { $email .= fread($fd, 1024); } fclose($fd); ?> Adrian