I know I used to have an issue with some of that type of stuff, but I
also went in and did an output buffering at the beginning of the script,
ran everything, then output the buffer. That helped me to clear it up.
One of the pieces might be outputting something you just aren't seeing
All of the generated HTML is put into a string-variable. At the end of
the publish-procedure this variable is put into $_REQUEST
($_REQUEST["result"] = $result;).
In the next "screen" (i.e. the page that gets loaded after the
publish-request), $_REQUEST["result"] is read and displayed:
$result = $_REQUEST["result"];
And this doesn't seem to work. According to the log files, everything
happens like it should, even the page containing that code is loaded
correctly, but doesn't show anything (because by the time this page is
loaded, the browser already got a response...)
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