Phillip S. Baker wrote:
Greetings Gents,
I have an interesting problem I would like some ideas on for a solution.
I cannot seem to find any code examples on the net, though I might not
be looking in the right place really.
I have some articles stored in a MySQL DB.
What I want is if the article is above a certain length in characters,
to page article through a few pages for site readability.
So I would want to print X number of words/characters.
Save the where the pointer is, move on to the next page, and display the
same amount and so on for as many pages as needed.
I know about pulling paged results using the limit function but that
would not seem to apply as really I would want to page the results
within one record (one field really).
Does anyone have any ideas??
Apart from the other suggestions, you could modify your design a little bit.
Instead of just having an articles table, you have an articles table and
an article_pages table.
Each "page" of your article is stored separately in the database and you
don't have to do anything fancy to do your paging.
create table articles(
articleid int primary key,
subject varchar(255),
introduction text <-- maybe? maybe not
create table article_pages (
pageid int primary key,
articleid int, <-- points to the articles table
content text,
sortorder int
simple join between the tables to get what you need..
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