Hell, I have enough problems trying to remember to remove your
email address when I reply to all. :-)
I thought the 'rule' around here was do a 'reply to all' - someone
put me right if I've been an idiot all this time!
Nooo, I wouldn't use the term... idiot. :-)
What I typically do in replying to a post (via Eudora for the Mac) is
to select the "Reply to All" menu item. This takes everyone who's
been involved in the thread and places their email addresses along
with the main list address, in an email from me.
Then I type what I want; click "Send"; and everyone in the thread
gets a copy PLUS the list gets a copy. Now, I don't know if this IS
the thing to do, or not.
However, I do know that if I simply click "Reply", then only the
current poster is listed in my email. But, that sucks, because then I
have to remove them and cut/paste the php-general list address -- and
that's both time consuming and error-prone.
Now, add on to that, your request to receive NO direct email and then
I have to:
1. Click "Reply to All"
2. Look to see if your involved in the thread.
3. If you are, then find and delete your email address and hope not
to leave out a "," or screw something else up.
4. If I do screw something up, then the error(s) comes back to me and
I have to figure out a way to fix it, which sometimes means I have to
re-post and start again.
SO -- would someone please enlighten me as to what is the proper way
to work replies on this list?
PS: You're getting two copies of this Jochem because I can't figure
out which not to send. :-)
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