but tedd there is no need to go defending Jay. I was merely chatting
with him on a
theoretical level, not telling nwhat he should/must be doing
(because a, he's been
doing this stuff longer than I have been alive ;-) and b, I know that he knows
the difference between doing it 'right' and doing it on time and
within budget :-)
'right' being in quotes because that's more often than not just
another form of
opinion. :-)
Oh, I wasn't defending Jay -- I didn't even know anything was in
dispute. I'm clueless as usual -- just putting in my $0.02 as I can.
Hell, I have enough problems trying to remember to remove your email
address when I reply to all. :-)
As for tables, I agree that tables are for column data and sometimes
for a quick and dirty fix to get things to work (i.e., client
pressure) -- but, after the dust settles, go back and fix it right.
As for reliable control -- however -- reliable is what works and
while css can be confusing (hacks and all), it does work reliably.
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