On Mon, April 17, 2006 11:45 am, Jason Gerfen wrote: > Anyone use php to tail a log file for patterns and perhaps updating a > iframe or something similar? If so do you have a link to some > resources > on it? No, but I don't see how you could make this much more complicated than: <html> <head><meta http-equiv="refresh" url="0;httpd_error_log_tail.php" /></head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff"> <?php exec("tail /var/log/httpd/error_log", $output, $error); echo nl2br(htmlentities(implode("", $output))); if ($error) echo "<hr /><b>OS Error: $error</b>\n"; ?> </body> </html> But maybe I'm just too much a K.I.S.S. kind of guy... Though why one wouldn't juse use SSH to do this in the first place is beyond me... But they had guys at an old job that did this, after I turned OFF display_output on their production server... [shudder] -- Like Music? http://l-i-e.com/artists.htm -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php