Richard Lynch wrote:
On Mon, April 17, 2006 11:45 am, Jason Gerfen wrote:
Anyone use php to tail a log file for patterns and perhaps updating a
iframe or something similar? If so do you have a link to some
on it?
No, but I don't see how you could make this much more complicated than:
<head><meta http-equiv="refresh" url="0;httpd_error_log_tail.php"
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
exec("tail /var/log/httpd/error_log", $output, $error);
echo nl2br(htmlentities(implode("", $output)));
if ($error) echo "<hr /><b>OS Error: $error</b>\n";
But maybe I'm just too much a K.I.S.S. kind of guy...
which has nothing to do with the Oprah show about sex-addicts I
just half-watched. :-)
Though why one wouldn't juse use SSH to do this in the first place is
beyond me...
I second that.
But they had guys at an old job that did this, after I turned OFF
display_output on their production server... [shudder]
I guess Richard's had another long day ... display_output? maybe
display_errors? or was the stuff those guys produced so bad that a
blank page was preferable? ;-)
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