May I supply this very little example to show how easy it can be to use
This is the first document:
<iframe id=myFrame></iframe>
<input type=button value=go
onclick="document.getElementById('myFrame').src='second.htm'" />
<div id=myDiv></div>
It just has an iframe, an action button, which sets the src property of the
iframe and a div to store the response.
The document second.htm contains:
<body onLoad="parent.document.getElementById('myDiv').innerHTML = 'hello!';"
That's it.
I placed this in the onLoad event, to make sure nothing gets executed before
everything is loaded, but I might as well do this:
<script>parent.document.getElementById('myDiv').innerHTML =
And it also works, though should it invoke a function not yet loaded, it
would fail.
Instructions set as this last one might move a progress bar while the
scripts are being loaded.
For example, if the information sent comes from database records, a row
count can be queried first and insterspersed with the actual data of the
rows, a progress bar might be moved a fraction of that row count. (this
would count for communication from the server to the browser since that bar
wouldn't move until the first instruction of the response is received)
This, of course, are very minimal documents just containing what's essential
to prove the point, not working documents and, of course, both might be PHP
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