on 02/17/2006 01:55 AM tedd said the following:
> Most of those who are aware of disability issues, don't use any
> at all.
CAPTCHA is often used to prevent abuses from people using automated
robot programs.
To solve the problem of visually impaired people, there are audio
CAPTCHA solutions.
>> Manuel Lemos
> http://www.access-matters.com/2005/05/22/quiz-115-did-a-captcha-catch-ya/
-- before installing a CAPTCHA.
Accessibility matters.
I am not sure what you mean. Are you saying that nobody should use audio
CAPTCHA because one user was not able to configure his browser to play
the audio CAPTCHA? I am sure that it is something easier to achieve than
screen reader software that many blind users use to access read Web
pages loud.
Manuel Lemos
As a friend of mine, who is very knowledgeable/experienced in these
matters, said:
" The audio variants are still barriers because there are too may
reasons why they might fail to work. As I said before, there are many
other simple methods that robots don't do well. Use those instead.
CPATCHAs are dead and should be buried. Anyone still using them is
either too cheap to learn how to use an alternative well, or simply
doesn't care about accessibility. It's time to move on."
Now, perhaps you don't agree with his assessment, but I think that
finding other methods to accomplish what you want has merit.
You know, even with "audio CPATCHA's" visually impaired and other
disabled groups are still against it -- what does that say?
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