I am currently testing HN CAPTCHA and noticed that the range of
alphabets that were produced ranges from A..F only. My PHP skill is
quite limited to change that to A..Z so if ppl here have any
experience with that class, appreciate your thoughts. TIA.
HN CAPTCHA: http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/package/1569.html
Why use CAPTCHA?
It is very problematic for the visually impaired.
If you must use a barrier, then you can make it less difficult (but
doesn't solve the problem) for the visually impaired by using
something like:
If you want the code, just ask.
Most of those who are aware of disability issues, don't use any
barriers at all.
Perhaps if you would share with us the problem you're trying to solve
and we could come up with a different solution.
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