Yesterday, while searching for a way to programmatically do HTTP Basic Authentication, I ended up visiting the Japanese language version of The User-Contributed notes that matched my search were in English, so I thought nothing of it, and successfully completed that task. Today, I type something like: And I end up on the Japanese site, with no /ja/ in the URL. I suppose this is a "feature" and a nifty one at that... ... for those users that can actually read Japanese. Errrr... How do I turn this feature off? :-) :-) :-) Actually, I'd have to say it's a bug that viewing the site ONE TIME in some language forever ties one to that language... I did nothing explicit to "choose" Japanese, other than clicking on a link in a search engine -- said link having nothing about it to indicate I was switching to Japanese. Aha! I just click on a link to get to a URL with /ja/ in it, then change the /ja/ to /en/ and then it default back to English when I use a short-cut URL again. I think this post can now be condensed into a plea: When the site is utilizing a short-cut URL, perhaps an additional navigational element should be added to switch languages, as it is not at all obvious how one should switch. -- Like Music? -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: